Average consumption
Where possible, EcoGastro uses energy values that have been measured in accordance with the ENAK test regulations in order to derive an average daily consumption. Measurements are carried out by the Graubünden University of Applied Sciences in order to have comparable data from subsidized appliances.
The daily consumption is calculated from the sum of the weighted processes according to ENAK. This corresponds to standard user behavior based on ENAK experience and energy consulting. We base this on the results of the project "Fundamentals of energy efficiency of commercial kitchen appliances" commissioned by the SFOE.
Calculation of daily consumption
The daily consumption is calculated by weighting the corresponding ENAC processes P(i). The measured energy values E(i) are multiplied by the weight k(i) and totaled. This results in the daily consumption.

Determination of savings
This average consumption is compared with a base value determined from a variety of appliance data. The base value represents the daily consumption of a less efficient appliance as it is on the market today (reference value for an inefficient appliance).
Combi steamer
The base value is 38.4 kWh per day in relation to an appliance with a capacity of 10 GN-1/1 (10 Gastronom 1/1 containers with a size of 530x650mm). The base value is calculated from the appliances recorded in the ENAK database. It corresponds to the average value of the third of the machines with the highest consumption.
Entitlement to funding
Appliances with an energy consumption of less than 25.0 kWh per day are eligible for subsidies.
Weighting of the processes
The daily consumption is calculated by weighting the ENAK processes P(i) as follows.

The base value is 19.4 kWh per day in relation to an appliance with a capacity of GN-3/1. The base value is calculated from the appliances recorded in the ENAK database. It corresponds to the average value of the third of machines with the highest consumption.
Entitlement to funding
Appliances with an energy consumption of less than 16.5 kWh per day are eligible for subsidies.
Weighting of the processes
The daily consumption is calculated by weighting the ENAK processes P(i) as follows.

Griddle (grill plates)
The impact model for Griddle is currently based on estimates based on the technology installed in the devices. No distinction is made between categories. The following average consumption of 10,000 kWh per year is assumed for the calculations.
The following criteria can be considered for funding:
- Induction: 30%
- Special coating: 5%
This results in a reduction of 35%, corresponding to 3,500 kWh per year.
Pizza ovens
The base value is 45.9 kWh per day based on an appliance with a baking surface of 0.70m2. The base value is calculated from the comparative measurement with an inefficient pizza oven.
Entitlement to funding
Pizza ovens with an energy consumption of less than 39 kWh per day based on a baking area of 0.70m2 are eligible for funding.
Weighting of the processes
The daily consumption is calculated by weighting the processes P(i) as follows.

Different sizes are converted in proportion to the baking surface.
Pasta stove
The impact model for pasta stoves was originally based on estimates based on the technology installed in the appliances. No distinction was made between categories. An average consumption of 7,768 kWh per year was assumed for the calculations.
No pasta stoves are currently being promoted.
Due to the minimum requirements regarding insulation in the ProKilowatt funding regulations, funding will only be possible in future if a device is measured. We will then define the corresponding impact model if there is a demand for a subsidy and have this checked by ProKilowatt.
Multifunctional devices
A multifunctional appliance can replace a kettle, a large frying pan or a pressure cooker (depending on the manufacturer). The savings compared with the individual appliance categories are cumulative.
Accordingly, multifunctional appliances are measured by EcoGastro according to ENAK and a saving is shown in comparison with the appliances mentioned above.
Deep fryers
Deep fryers are subsidized if they have a minimum insulation of R > 0.25 m2*K/W. They are measured and compared with other measured deep fat fryers. One manufacturer's model is currently being promoted.
Due to the minimum requirements, salamanders can no longer be promoted from 1.1.2024.
Appendix: Technical measures per appliance category
The measures listed below are typical measures that lead to a reduction in energy requirements. They are not exhaustive and are not a direct prerequisite for funding from EcoGastro. EcoGastro promotes appliances that consume less energy compared to other appliances in the same appliance category, where possible based on measurements in accordance with the ENAK test definitions. For dishwashers, measurements according to the corresponding European IEC standard will be taken into account from 1.1.2024.